Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Makan Spree

Today (yesterday actually), I had dinner with my seniors in HELP, Betsy and Lordson, then detoured to Karuna’s (another senior) house to give her a surprise belated birthday ‘bash’. It’s not really a bash, I just went there to give her some birthday ‘cupcakes’, pulling my two seniors along. There, I watched 3/4 of criminal mind with Karuna while Lordson and Betsy got engrossed into their ‘serious’ discussions. I enjoyed today’s episode of criminal mind. It’s nice especially with Frankie Muniz of Malcolm in The Middle appearing as the lead guest star.

Alright, backtrack a bit.

Met Betsy at about a quarter to 6pm. Drove together (my car tailing behind her car) to ss3 to pick Lordson up. On the way, we had to endure a long and tiring jam due to the rain (plus its jam time in PJ).

Throughout the middle of the journey, Betsy and I somehow got separated into two lanes, mine moving faster than hers. Since I don’t really know how to get to Lordson’s place and the massive jam strictly disallowed me to pull my car over to the roadside and wait for Betsy, I decided to wait for her in front my house instead (it’s along the way, how convenient). After being reacquainted with each other, Betsy decided to travel in one car so I hopped into her car and off we go to fetch Lordson.

After some minor wrong turnings into the wrong alleys, we finally reach Lordson’s house. Decided to go for the super cheap RM5 western food but it was close. So, we went for fried hokkien mee instead. Ordered three additional tasty friend chicken drumsticks to supplement our meal.

After filling up our stomachs, I call for dessert, so off we went to 100Yen at ss2 after paying Salvation and McD a visit. Ate chocolate and mango flavored erm….ice cream? (don’t know what’s it called). Then, I saw bubble milk tea and tempted Betsy and Lordson to get them together with me (so evil…wakeke!!). We came to a consensus that milk tea comes after Karuna’s cake.

So off we went, hunting for some cute ‘cakes’ for dear Karuna. Spotted some adorable little cupcakes and bought it.

Last stop, bubble milk tea. Yay…

I got sour plum milk tea, Betsy green apple and Lordson passion fruit.

Mine was too sourly, Lordson’s too sweet while Betsy’s too plain….Haha…

Anyway, chicken drumstick on Betz and milk tea on Lordson… (me?? cupcakes)

Thanks load guys….

Had a really enjoyable (though quite tiring) outing today.

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